Collection: How We Deliver
Great care is taken to ensure your Cigar arrives in perfect condition. All our cigars are stored in our own large Humidor where you can call into any of our Inns, The Red Lion in Cranford, The Snooty Fox Lowick or The Pig & Waffle Grafton Underwood, Northants to buy direct.
If you choose postage your Cigars will be carefully boxed with its own mini humidor to keep it in the same condition it had been kept.
All Cigars are posted using Royal Mail Next day delivery at checkout. We post Monday - Friday and if order before 12noon will go out for next day delivery. Saturday & Sunday orders will be posted Monday to arrive Tuesday.
You can also ask for local delivery to the NN14, NN15 & NN16 areas for Free or collect from The above mentioned Inns.