H. Upmann
H.Upmann Corona Major - Light Medium
H.Upmann Corona Major - Light Medium
Discover the legacy of H. Upmann Corona Major, a testament to the timeless elegance and craftsmanship of Havana cigars. Originating from the passion of Herman Upmann, a German banker turned cigar aficionado, this brand has epitomized luxury since 1844. Upmann's journey began when his love for Cuban cigars led him to Havana, where he not only established a bank but also began crafting cigars that would become world-renowned.
While the bank may have closed in the early 1920s, the H. Upmann cigars continue to dazzle connoisseurs with their exquisite, light to medium flavour profile. Renowned for innovation, H. Upmann was the first brand globally to introduce cigars in cedar-lined aluminium tubes, setting a new standard in cigar preservation.
The Corona Major, specifically, has been a beloved choice in the UK since 1937, a testament to its enduring popularity among cigar enthusiasts. Each cigar, measuring 5 1/8 inches x 42 ring gauge, is encased in a tube, ensuring freshness and quality.