H. Upmann
H. Upmann Half Corona - Light to Medium
H. Upmann Half Corona - Light to Medium
Step into a slice of history with the renowned cigar brand established by Herman Upmann. Back in 1844, driven by his profound love for Cuban cigars, Upmann relocated to Havana and embarked on a dual career as both a banker and a cigar maker. His legacy lives on in these cigars, which are a testament to his dedication to quality and craftsmanship.
This particular cigar stands out as the first 3 ½ inch Havana to be reintroduced since the Second World War. Ideal for those appreciating exceptional taste and quality but constrained by time, it offers a perfectly balanced light to medium flavor profile, ensuring a satisfying, brief escape.
Size: 3 ½ Inches x 44 Ring Gauge
Untubed. You are purchasing 1 Cigar.
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